• balluff巴鲁夫耦合器BPN系列选型


     品牌:balluff巴鲁夫  型号:BIC 1I0-I2A50-M30MI3-SM4A4A  加工定制:是  
     制作工艺:厚膜  输出信号:数字型  材料:陶瓷  
     材料物理性质:半导体  材料晶体结构:单晶  防护等级:12  
     线性度:36 %F.S 迟滞:23 %F.S 重复性:45 %F.S 
     灵敏度:34  分辨率:56   
    如果各个模块 要反复自动分离与连接, 感应式耦合器是当仁不让的选择。凭借可快速分离的单元,能在极短 时间内非常灵活地 实现新的要求。除了 快速传输信号以外,感应式耦合器还能 可靠输送能量。
    由于接通迅速, 针对可更换式工具等情况能提升设备可用率
    提高功能查询效率,包括以往无法触及的 位置
    Programmable cams BIC0004
    BPN 18M-F-02-03, Working range Sa max. = 3.50 mm
    Programmable cams BIC0005
    BPN 18M-F-03-PU-03, Working range Sa max. = 3.50 mm
    Programmable cams BIC0006
    BPN 30M-B-04-PU-03, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 10.00 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0007
    BIC 1P0-P2A50-M30MI3-SM4A4A, Power only, Base, M30 x 100 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0008
    BIC 2P0-P2A50-M30MI3-SM4A5A, Power only, Remote, M30 x 107.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0009
    BIC 1I3-P2A50-M30MI3-SM4ACA, Uni-standard, Base, M30 x 107 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Number of outputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC000A
    BIC 2I3-P2A50-M30MI3-SM4ACA, Uni-standard, Remote, M30 x 107.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC000C
    BIC 1I0-I2A50-M30MI3-SM4A4A, Uni IO-Link, Base, M30 x 100 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC000E
    BIC 2I0-I2A50-M30MI3-SM4A5A, Uni IO-Link, Remote, M30 x 107.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC000W
    BIC 1I3-P2A40-M30MO2-BPX0B-050, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 10.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC000Y
    BIC 2I3-P2A40-M30ME2-BPX09-050, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 10.0 mm, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0011
    BIC 1I3-P2A40-M18MN2-BPX0B-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0012
    BIC 2I3-P2A40-M18MF2-BPX09-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0015
    BIC 1I2-P2A02-M18MN2-EPX07-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC001A
    BIC 1I2-P2A03-M30MO2-EPX07-050, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC001J
    BIC 1I3-P2A05-Q80KA-GPX0C-050, Base, 80 x 80 x 40 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 15.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC001N
    BIC 2I2-P2A02-M18MF2-EPX07-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC001T
    BIC 2I2-P2A03-M30MF2-EPX07-050, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 40 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC001Y
    BIC 2I3-P2A05-Q80KA-GPX0C-050, Remote, 80 x 80 x 40 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 15.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0021
    BIC 2I3-P2A20-Q40AA-GPX0B-050, Remote, 40 x 40 x 75 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Output permanent current = 200 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0022
    BIC 2I3-P2A20-Q40AC-GPX0B-050, Remote, 40 x 40 x 75 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Output permanent current = 200 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0023
    BIC 2I3-P2A30-Q90AA-GPX0B-050, Remote, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 12.0 mm, Output permanent current = 300 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0026
    BIC 1I3-P2A20-Q40AA-GPX0B-050, Base, 40 x 40 x 75 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Number of inputs = 9
    Inductive coupler BIC0027
    BIC 1I3-P2A20-Q40AC-GPX0B-050, Base, 40 x 40 x 75 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Number of inputs = 9
    Inductive coupler BIC0028
    BIC 1I3-P2A30-Q90AA-GPX0B-050, Base, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 12.0 mm, Number of outputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0029
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M18MI-BPX03-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC002C
    BIC 1I0-N2A02-M18MI-BPX03-020, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC002E
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M30MI-BPX03-050, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC002K
    BIC 2I0-P2A02-M18ME-BPX03-020, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC002L
    BIC 2I0-N2A02-M18ME-BPX03-010, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC002P
    BIC 1I0-P2001-M18MI-BPX03-050, Base, M18, Embeddable/non embeddable, Cable, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC002T
    BIC 1I0-P2001-M12MM1-BPX03-050, Base, M12, Embeddable/non embeddable, Cable, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC0039
    BIC 2B2-P2A30-Q90AQ-GPX0B-050, Remote, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 10.0 mm, Output permanent current = 300 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 4, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC003C
    BIC 1B2-P2A30-Q90AQ-GPX0B-050, Base, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 10.0 mm, Number of inputs = 4, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC003N
    BIC 1I3-P2A16-R01K01-C03, Base, 93 x 83 x 45 mm, stationary, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC003P
    BIC 2I3-P2A16-R01K01-SM3A30, Remote, D93, rotating on shaft, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Output permanent current = 160 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC003W
    BIC 2I0-D1001-M12ME1-BPX02-050, Remote, M12, Embeddable/non embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC003Z
    BIC 2I0-D1001-M18ME1-BPX02-050, Remote, M18, Embeddable/non embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC0041
    BIC 2I0-R1002-M18MF2-BPX03-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 4.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0043
    BIC 2I0-V1A01-M18MI2-BPX03-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Output voltage Remote DC = 10 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0044
    BIC 2I0-P2A05-M30MF-BPX03-030, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0045
    BIC 2I3-P2A15-M30MI2-BPX0B-050, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 150 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0046
    BIC 1I0-V1003-M18MN2-BPX03-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC0047
    BIC 1I0-C1A02-M18MN2-BPX03-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 4.0 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC0048
    BIC 1I3-P2A15-M30MM3-BPX0B-050, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Number of outputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0049
    Available on Request
    BIC 1I2-V1A18-R01K01-C01, Base, 93 x 88 x 45 mm, stationary, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Number of outputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC004A
    Available on Request
    BIC 2I2-V1A18-R01K01-SM3A30, Remote, D93, rotating on shaft, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Output permanent current = 180 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 4
    Inductive coupler BIC004C
    BIC 2I0-R3002-M18MF2-BPX03-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 4.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC004M
    BIC 915-D2-M08EE-EPX02-010, Sensor, M08, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC004N
    BIC 902-D2-M12ME-EPX02-020, Sensor, M12, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC004P
    BIC 902-D2-M12ME-EVX02-100, Sensor, M12, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC004R
    BIC 902-D2-M12ME-EVX02-150, Sensor, M12, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC004W
    BIC 905-D2-M18ME-EPX02-010, Sensor, M18, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC0050
    BIC 910-D2-M30MF-EPX02-010, Sensor, M30, Embeddable, Cable
    Inductive coupler BIC0051
    BIC 1P0-P2A20-M30ME-SM4A4A, Power only, Base, M30 x 64.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0052
    BIC 2P0-P2A20-M30ME1-SM4A5A, Power only, Remote, M30 x 63.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 200 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC0053
    BIC 1I0-IAA50-M30MI3-SM4A4A, Uni IO-Link, Base, M30 x 100 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC0054
    BIC 2I0-IAA50-M30MI3-SM4A5A, Uni IO-Link, Remote, M30 x 107.5 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005A
    BIC 1I0-I2A50-Q40KFU-SM4A4A, Uni IO-Link, Base, 40 x 40 x 63 mm, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC005C
    BIC 2I0-I2A50-Q40KFU-SM4A5A, Uni IO-Link, Remote, 40 x 40 x 63 mm, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005E
    BIC 2I0-P2A02-M18ME-BPX0-005-M44A, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005F
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M18MI-BPX0-010-M44A, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 2.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC005H
    BIC 2I0-IAA50-M30MI3-BPX04-002-M45A, Uni IO-Link, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005J
    BIC 2I3-P2A50-M30MI3-BPX0C-002-M4CA, Uni-standard, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 500 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005K
    BIC 2I0-P2A02-M30TI-BPX03-030, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 6.0 mm, Output permanent current = 20 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005L
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M30TI-BPX03-030, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 6.0 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC005M
    BIC 2I0-D2A02-M30TI-BPX03-030, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 6.0 mm, Output permanent current = 20 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005N
    BIC 1I0-N2A02-M30TI-BPX03-030, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 6.0 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC005P
    BIC 2I0-N2A02-M18TI-BPX03-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Output permanent current = 20 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005R
    BIC 2I0-D2A02-M18TI-BPX03-050, Remote, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Output permanent current = 20 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V
    Inductive coupler BIC005T
    BIC 1I0-N2A02-M18TI-BPX03-050, Base, M18, Non embeddable, Cable, Working range Sa max. = 3.0 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    BIC 1I3-P2A30-Q90AA-GPX0B-Z04, Base, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 12.0 mm, Number of outputs = 8
    BIC 2I3-P2A30-Q90AA-GPX0B-Z05, Remote, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 12.0 mm, Output permanent current = 300 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC0061
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M30MI-BPX03-001-Z06, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC0062
    BIC 2I0-P2A05-M30MF-BPX03-005-Z06, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC006M
    BIC 1I0-P2A02-M30MI-BPX03-005-Z10, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Number of outputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC006N
    BIC 2I0-P2A05-M30MF-BPX03-020-Z09, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 4.5 mm, Output permanent current = 30 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 1
    Inductive coupler BIC006P
    BIC 1I3-P2A15-M30MM3-BPX0B-005-Z08, Base, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC006R
    BIC 2I3-P2A15-M30MI2-BPX0B-010-Z07, Remote, M30, Non embeddable, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 5.0 mm, Output permanent current = 150 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 12 V, Number of inputs = 8
    Inductive coupler BIC006T
    BIC 1H0-X22A0-Q90AA-GPS04-020-Z14, Base Head, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm
    Inductive coupler BIC006U
    BIC 2H0-X22A0-Q90AA-GPS04-020-Z15, Remote Head, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Output permanent current = 2000 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
    Inductive coupler BIC006W
    BIC 2H0-X22A0-Q90AA-GPS04-010-Z15, Remote Head, 90 x 90 x 45 mm, Connector, Working range Sa max. = 8.0 mm, Output permanent current = 2000 mA, Output voltage Remote DC = 24 V
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